Building the Future: A Webinar with Capsticks

This week our Chair and Founder, Rachel Beverley-Stevenson, was in conversation with Capsticks law firm for one of their regular informative webinars, this one being ‘Building the Future: Exploring the Process of GP Surgery Redevelopment’. With 90 delegates in attendance online, Rachel talked about how it can sometimes be overwhelming to run your own GP practice, especially if you have to also look after the inevitable day-to-day facilities management issues. And if you decide that it isn’t fit for purpose, what then? Rachel talked about the importance of first looking at how you use the space you currently have – is it all being used to the best of its ability or would a simple change in the way you use your building be your first step in implementing change? She also talked about what OneMedical Property call their ‘Golden Rules’: the ‘Rule of Six’ that helps you navigate the what, where, and how’s of every project. Head over to our OneMedical Property dedicated website for more on the Rule of Six.