World Mental Health Day 2021


Sunday 10th October 2021 is World Mental Health day #WMHD2021. The last year has highlighted health, economic and social inequalities on a global scale.

This year, we are supporting the theme of ‘Mental Health in an unequal world’ by highlighting how inequality can be addressed to ensure people are able to enjoy good mental health #DoOneThing. If we all do one thing, we can change everything.

Everyone has mental health and as with physical health, it doesn’t stay the same. At any given time one in four people experience mental ill health. However, this year many more people are experiencing poorer mental health or a mental health problem. Health concerns, physical and social isolation, job losses and an environment of constant change and uncertainty are contributing to this. While some people will bounce back quickly, others may need support to feel better again.

The stigma and discrimination experienced by people who experience mental ill health not only affects that person’s physical and mental health but also their educational opportunities, current and future earnings and job prospects. It also affects their families and loved ones. We all have a role to play to address these disparities and ensure that people with lived experience of mental ill health are fully integrated in all aspects of life.

Anyone from any walk of life can be affected by mental ill health. It’s important to recognise that this year has been particularly hard and that it’s okay not to feel okay. As we go into Winter, things may be especially tough for some of us. I’d urge everyone to stay safely connected and to regularly check in with friends and family. If you have older neighbours or know someone who might be struggling why not reach out and see if there is anything you can help with. This will not only help them but will make you feel better too.

Connecting with others in a Covid-safe way is just one way we can boost our wellbeing. Other things like learning to relax properly, getting plenty of sleep, exercising, discovering new hobbies – these can all help improve our mood and build our resilience so we are better able to respond if life takes an unexpected turn. Find out more about how to look after your mental health here


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However, if you start to struggle with your feelings, it’s really important to reach out for support. Mental health services are open, as they have been throughout the pandemic. Although they may be delivered a little differently, they’re still there to support people who need help.

Anyone whose life is in immediate danger should call 999. Click here to find out how to connect to mental health services in your area

Join the conversation on Twitter and Facebook and let’s get more people talking about mental health awareness #WorldMentalHealthDay #WMHD2021 #DoOneThing


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