NHS Scotland

Whinhill Medical Practice


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Our Surgery

Whinhill Practice

Opening hours

Monday 8am – 6pm

Tuesday 8am – 6pm

Wednesday 8am – 6pm

Thursday 8am – 6pm

Friday 8am – 6pm

Your feedback helps us to improve. To provide feedback, or should you need to make a complaint, please use the feedback form at the bottom of this page. Please note: the main service email address is for medical use only and feedback or complaints submitted there will not be actioned as quickly as needed.


Contact Us


20 Whinhill Road
AB11 7XH



0345 3376201


01224 564966

Based in the south of the city centre, the medical centre is situated within modern purpose built accommodation, is open Monday to Friday, 8am-6pm and has designated parking spaces. The service is easily accessible, with all clinical rooms on the ground floor. Language line is also available should an interpreter be required.

Services/staff include GPs, ANPs Practice nurses, Healthcare support workers, and treatment room nurses – all based in the practice.

Visiting services include midwive, link works, Substance misuse community workers, psychological therapists, district nursing team and Health visitor.


Should you wish, patients are able to take someone into their appointment with them. However, should you wish someone to accompany you but do not have anyone with you, please ask at Reception if one of our team can act as a chaperone. Please note that we may also ask that a chaperone accompanies you in your meeting.

Translation service

If English is not your first language, or you have any other requirements, please ask at Reception to see if our translation service can help you. Please note that this is not always available straight away and may require an additional wait whilst a translator is sourced. This service is usually provided digitally rather than a translator attending in person.

Car parking

A free car park is available for patients.

Can’t make your appointment? 

Please inform us is you are unable to attend your appointment so that the space can be made available to other patients.


Please ask at Reception if you would like to see a copy of one of our policies.

Planning your next Holiday? 

If you need travel vaccinations, you can arrange these at one of 35 community pharmacies in Grampian. GPs no longer offer travel vaccination.

All the information you need is available at grampianvax.com – just click on ‘Travel’.

Patient self-referral pathways      

Self-referral pathways are forms or processes where individuals can directly access certain health or social services without needing a referral from us.

Podiatry  www.nhsgrampian.org  Search ‘podiatry’. Self-referral form.

Physiotherapy   www.mskphysiogrampian.scot.nhs.uk  Self-help guides. Self-referral form.

Alcohol and Drugs Action www.alcoholanddrugsaction.org.uk

Mental Health Aberdeen  www.mha.uk.net  ACIS- Aberdeen Counselling Information Services. Can offer 10 weeks free counselling each lasting 50-60minutes. 18 and over.

Adult Autism  www.nhsgrampian.org  Search ‘autism’.  AAAT- Adult Autism Assessment Team. Accepts self-referrals.


    Step 2: Select the type of patient feedback:

    Patient Feedback

    We hope that you had a great experience with us, but we are always open to feedback and to hear your thoughts on how we can improve.

    Compliments and feedback

    To provide feedback on our services, please click HERE Patients - One Medical Group. Choose the service, and click on their Feedback button to complete their online form.

    To post or email us instead, download a form HERE. The email and postal addresses for each site can be found on their webpage.

    Patient Complaint

    Should you need to, you can also raise any concerns or complaints with us using the form below.


    To raise a concern or complaint, please let us know as soon as you are aware of a problem, for example talk to our Receptionist, Doctor or Nurse, or the Practice Manager at the service. They can then deal with your problem straight away or provide your with the information, clarification or advice which will help you decide what you want to do next.

    Here are some other ways to raise a complaint:

    • Ask for a Complaint Form and a copy of our Complaint Leaflet

    • Use the Complaint form on the service’s webpage · Email your complaint to the service directly or to PatientFeedback@onemedicalgroup.co.uk if you do not want to deal with the service directly.

    You can download the information you need here too:

    Complaint Form (Word doc)

    Patient Complaint Handling Process (PDF)

    Easy Read Patient Complaint Handling Process (PDF)

    Please contact us if you require this information in an alternative format.

    What to do if your complaint cannot be resolved

    We make every effort to try and resolve complaints or concerns. If you are not happy with the response you receive, please let us know as soon as possible. We may offer to meet with you to discuss the matter further or carry out a more detailed investigation.

    If we are unable to resolve your complaint, you can contact the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) for help. However, they will only look into your case if you have completed the complaints process with us. More information can be found on their website.

    How to contact the Ombudsman

    England & Wales:
    Website: www.ombudsman.org.uk
    Email: phso.enquiries@ombudsman.org.uk
    Telephone: 0345 015 4033 (Mon - Fri 8.30am - 5.30pm)
    Write to: The PHSO, Millbank Tower, Millbank, London, SW1P 4QP

    Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO):
    Website: www.spso.org.uk
    Online contact: www.spso.org.uk/contact-us
    Freephone: 0800 377 7330
    Write to: SPSO (Freepost), Bridgeside House, 99 McDonald Road, Edinburgh, EH7 4NS*

    *NB. No stamp required.

    Contacting OneMedical Group directly

    If you do not wish to provide feedback or make a complaint to the service directly, contact us by emailing PatientFeedback@onemedicalgroup.co.uk or post a hard-copy form to Patient Feedback, OneMedical Group, Bank Top Farm, Black Hill Road, Otley, LS21 1PY

    To request a call back from the Patient Safety Officer (Complaints) please call 0113 284 3158. Please provide your contact details and the name of the service you want to talk about. Office hours are 9am – 5pm Monday – Friday (excluding Bank Holidays.)

    Where you can help and support

    For independent information, advice, support or representation during the course of your complaint, you can contact:

    There may also be other advocacy groups in your area who can also help.

    Acting on your behalf

    Please note that if you would like a friend or relative to help or act on your behalf, you will need to provide your consent.

    Friends & Family Test

    How would you rate your experience with us today?


    All GP practices are contracted to provide essential services, that is, basic treatment of ill people.

    Meet the team

    Whinhill Medical Practice is run by a team of highly skilled Healthcare Practitioners.

    Recommend us

    Recommending our services at Whinhill Medical Practice to family and friends is an important aspect. How likely are you to recommend our service to your friends and family if you need similar care or treatment?

    How you can help us to improve

    We hope that you had a great experience with us, but we are always open to feedback and to hear your thoughts on how we can improve. Should you need to, you can also raise any concerns or complaints with us using the button below. Your feedback

    Friends & Family Test

    How would you rate your experience with us today? To submit any feedback please click here. Friends & Family Test

    Languages: Polish, Malayam, Arabic

    Please register and take a seat. If you need a translator, please speak to Reception. Please note that sourcing a translator could mean you will need to wait longer until someone is available.

    Po przyjeździe na spotkanie, zaloguj się do korzystania z jednego z ekranów lub porozmawiaj z jednym z naszych zespołów recepcyjnych. Po zalogowaniu być może będziesz musiał poczekać, aby zobaczyć się z klinicystą. Tłumacz może ci pomóc, ale może to oznaczać dodatkowe oczekiwanie, aż ktoś będzie dostępny.

    Apabila anda tiba di perkhidmatan untuk temujanji anda, sila log masuk menggunakan salah satu skrin atau bercakap dengan salah satu pasukan penerimaan kami. Sebaik sahaja anda ditandatangani, anda mungkin perlu menunggu untuk melihat doktor. Penterjemah mungkin dapat membantu anda, tetapi ini mungkin bermakna menunggu tambahan sehingga seseorang tersedia.

    عندما تصل إلى الخدمة لموعدك ، يرجى تسجيل الدخول باستخدام إحدى الشاشات أو التحدث إلى أحد فريق الاستقبال لدينا. بمجرد توقيعك ، قد تحتاج إلى الانتظار لرؤية طبيب. قد يتمكن المترجم من مساعدتك ، ولكن هذا قد يعني انتظارًا إضافيًا حتى يتوفر شخص ما.

    GP practices are the bedrock of our healthcare services. Across Grampian we are working together to deliver the services you need.

    Over the last few years GP practices have seen a huge increase in the number of people who need care and support. At the same time is has got harder to recruit new GPs, along with other vital staff.

    Practices have changed and now have larger teams made up of many different professionals - for example you may have had an appointment with a highly qualified Advanced Nurse Practitioner or seen a Physiotherapist to help with back pain. These new 'multi-disciplinary' teams are of great value and have helped with the increase in demand - but the demand keeps growing.

    We know some of you have real concerns about accessing community services. You might be worried help and support will not be easily available when you need it. The NHS, the health & social care partnerships, and GPs themselves are committed to building on the foundations we have; we need your help to really understand how we can move forward to a brighter future. Thank you for taking the time to fill in this short survey.


    If you would like to contact us about this work please email us at: gram.generalpracticevisionprogramme@nhs.scot

    Grampian General Practice Graphic